Helping you awaken your divine presence to reveal your highest path and potential so you can embody your infinite potential and most abundant timeline

Amber is one of the clearest, most accurate channels I have ever encountered.
I've had the privilege of having several readings with her and each session was life-changing. Amber's ability and gifts are truly inspiring. She was able to pull information from my Akashic Records that made so much sense and gave me so much needed clarity around a few areas of my life including one relationship that needed healing. The information was very accurate and everything that she said resonated deeply.
After each of our sessions I felt lighter, freer, and had more clarity. Amber is truly invested in helping others and comes from a place of service.
- Client

Open your records ✨ Unleash your potential
Your Light Is Fearless
Empowerment 💫 Abundance 💫 Expansion
Open the portal of your Akashic Records to reveal your pure light
Your light is fearless
Your light is expansive
Your light is magnetic
Who are you without limitations?
What is your highest path?
You are meant to do big things!
Many chase success only to realize they are not happy. True success is expressing yourself in freedom and enjoying every stage of life's journey. True success is about how you feel while pursuing your purpose.
Nothing on the outside or future will give you true abundance until you are happy with who you are now.
The truth: You are a divine being pure in heart and light
The human experience is to feel know and grow through lessons
We are here to expand our consciousness. There is a new way we can respond to pain and suffering. In the perspective of your greater awareness your soul lights.
What is an Akashic Record Reading?
An Akashic Record Reading is where your higher self meets your everyday, human experience to unravel the deeper meaning behind your life's events and to reveal the opportunity to see who you are through the loving eyes of your guides who help us align to your higher purpose.
The Akashic Records is the library of your soul governed by enlightened beings. This is the realm of consciousness and as every living soul is pure consciousness, your consciousness is connected to the Akashic Records as you are imprinting who you are based on the choices, actions, thoughts and feelings that you have now.
The Akashic Records teach you that you are always being guided by the divine realm and held in the loving light and in the eternal presence of Source, for we are all one part of a whole of this divine light.
Your akasha is your purest form of light, it is the frequency of your divine presence, and truest expression free of limitations.
In a reading, opening your records reveals your akashic light awakening your higher self and infusing your divine light into your mind, body and soul.
You can think of your personal Records as your souls database, but the information stored within your soul library is governed by masters, teachers and angels who guide you towards your divine plan.
You ask questions about why you are struggling and how to move forward to your highest potential. You can also ask questions for more clarity on any subject in your life, the guidance is always loving and in non-judgement for the highest good for all.
Your Akashic Reading will reveal who you are without limitations and why you feel out of alignment with your purpose or path. Most importantly, the guides I channel in the Akashic Records will give you practical wisdom on how to expand in all areas of life.
Heal from your past
Co Create in your infinite potential
Awaken your abundant nature
& enjoy your soul's journey

Through clarity, understanding, and guidance, your guides will shift your perspective so you have the wisdom and clarity to understand your lessons.
Releasing what no longer serves you so you can align to your true essence.